February 13, 2025


Education, What Else?

This Month at DE: March

This Month at DE: March

Move into March with New Chapters from Discovery Education! Make your mark with engaging lessons that honor Women’s History Month, celebrate International SEL Day, add new fun to Read Across America Day, and more!

Discover Your Happy

Grades K-12

Dive into International Day of Happiness on March 20 with Discover Your Happy! LG and Discovery Education have set out to equip young people with the skills necessary to reduce stress and create sustainable happiness in their lives. As part of the LG Experience Happiness movement, Discover Your Happy provides science-based tools for students and educators to show how happiness can be achieved through learnable skills and practices. 

Start with the Six Sustainable Happiness Skills in the Happiness in Action Virtual Field Trip, or choose one of the standards-aligned student activities to identify actionable ways to bring happiness to their communities. 

International Social-Emotional Learning Day

Grades K-2, 3-5

Explore our Social-Emotional Learning Center to grab learning resources for International SEL Day (March 11)! Social-emotional learning is often described as the process through which children and adults obtain the interpersonal skills to identify emotions, set goals, show empathy, maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. In the SEL Center, you’ll find a curated collection of resources that support professional learning, SEL integration into classrooms, and student-facing digital content for all grades. 

Pi Day

Grades K-12

Prepare for a Pi Day party on March 14! First recognized in 1988, Pi Day is an annual celebration of the mathematical constant, Pi. This holiday is celebrated on March 14, as the month-date format is 3/14, and 3, 1, and 4 are the first three digits of Pi. The day includes eating pies, throwing pies, and discussing the significance of the Pi in mathematical research and its everyday applications. Go to our Pi Day Channel for videos, simulations, and articles related to this numerical holiday. 

Find more timely tools and resources to support your daily lessons!

Read Across America Day

Grades K-12

Revamp your plans for Read Across America Day! For grades K-5, experience a Virtual Read-Aloud featuring internationally renowned writer and activist Alice Walker. Brought to you by Vooks and Tra Publishing, listen to Alice Walker read her powerful book Sweet People Are Everywhere with an explanation of the illustration process from illustrator Quim Torres. 

 Look further into the importance of reading for all grades with Discovery Education’s Literacy Channel, with content exploring developments in literacy around the world and throughout history and activities designed to help strengthen literacy skills. 

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Women’s History Month

Grades K-12

Celebrate Women’s History Month with Discovery Education’s curated collection of resources! Recognize the remarkable journey and impact of women throughout history and learn contemporary stories of women changing the world. The Women in History Channel showcases stories of pioneering women throughout history who fought for equality regardless of gender. Move through March by exploring the impact women have had politically, in STEM, in the arts, in sports, and more. 

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World Wildlife Day

Grades K-12

Wave hello to World Wildlife Day with Discovery Education’s variety of videos and activities about the plants and animals on our planet! Investigate the vast world of the animal kingdom with the newest addition to the Animals Channel, WWF’s Wild Classroom: All About Elephants, or consider how to protect our wildlife with the Conservation Channel.  

Find these relevant resources for March right in your DE learning platform!

The post This Month at DE: March appeared first on Discovery Education Blog.

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