January 9, 2025


Education, What Else?

Equality or Equity with Dr. Jeff Duncan-Andrade

Dr. Jeff Duncan-Andrade is a Professor of Ethnic Studies at San Francisco State University and he’s the author of Equality or Equity: Toward a Model of Community-Responsive Education. He joins host Mike Palmer in a conversation about shifting the foundations of our educational system to focus on the wellness of our most wounded and vulnerable students.

We begin by hearing Jeff’s origins as a community member, a father, an academic/researcher, and a practitioner in education in Oakland, California. We trace the failed history of desegregation in the US dating back to Brown vs the Board of Ed in Topeka, Kansas, and examine how a new model of community-responsive education is the path to help heal kids who have been left out. By making our most disaffected, struggling kids whole, we can elevate all kids in the school and the community around it. It’s a thought-provoking examination of a different model for K12 education. Don’t miss it.

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