19 Hilarious Pi Day Memes To Celebrate the Unofficial Holiday

Pi Day is right around the corner! Join your class in celebrating this special occasion with 19 hilarious Pi Day memes curated in one place. So sit back, relax, and have a piece of pie with your pi on March 14!
1. Mind = Blown
If you flip around the number 3.14, it looks like the word “Pie”! Where do the Pi Day analogies end?!?
Source: Digital Mom
2. A bit literal …
It looks like someone didn’t get the memo that the lack of an “e” in “pi” isn’t a typo.
Source: Buzzfeed
3. For the ignorant folks in your life
Send the person who made that “pi” pie this meme as the perfect response. A whole day for pie?!? In your dreams! And in mine …
Source: Distractify
4. And for the smarties
For the scholar, Pi Day is the perfect excuse to be irrational for the sake of the holiday.
Source: Digital Mom
5. Two reasons to celebrate the day
Fun fact: March 14 is not only Pi Day but also Albert Einstein’s birthday!
Source: Digital Mom
6. What a dilemma
Pi Day might also be the perfect day to introduce Albert Einstein’s accomplishments in the classroom … although students might be more interested in eating pie.
Source: Pop Sugar
7. The ones that get it get it
Homer Simpson would be that guy.
Source: Grade Calculator
8. So true, @MoonPie!
You know it’s true when a huge company like Moon Pie is complaining about having to work on such a holiday.
Source: @MoonPie
9. Send this to someone special
Get it?
Source: Let’s Eat Cake
10. And send this to someone not very special
This is a personal favorite of mine. Opinion without “pi” is just an onion.
Source: Redbubble
11. Pi-eating contest
Your least favorite pie/pi-eating contest to compete in. It quite literally never ends!
Source: Distractify
12. Classic dad joke
A “pi”thon. Only a dad would tell this joke. Obligatory laugh incoming.
Source: Distractify
13. Quite literal
What a great visual way to show a pie chart. And an excuse to bake a pie.
Source: Distractify
14. The impossible selfie
Good luck trying to fit everyone into that phone screen. That selfie stick definitely won’t do enough.
Source: Off the Mark
15. Food fight!
This is the only type of food fight that you could have in the classroom without making a mess. It might cause a few paper cuts though!
Source: Jenny Can Cook
16. Life of the party
“2” says he could listen to Pi forever … too bad he literally has to.
Source: Digital Mom
17. Poor “6”
“6” never made it to work that fateful day.
Source: Off the Mark
18. Pi can’t hurt you …
It haunts me at night.
Source: Reddit
19. Life of Pi
This movie was recommended to me so many times, but I honestly don’t get the hype. It’s a lot more boring than I expected. And the plot just kept going on and on …
Source: MemesMonkey
Did you enjoy these 19 hilarious Pi Day memes? Check out our 30 Women’s History Month activities to further celebrate the month of March.
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